DBM – The Secret of My Early Sales Success
In this video Wayne Berry explains how he came to understand what “DBM” is and how this was one of the major reasons for his early sales success. Get your head around this and watch your sales soar.
Why people buy
If you understand why people buy, you will be able to structure your sales presentations to appeal to the emotional reason that motivate people to buy. Wayne Berry: Most sales people however don’t understand these reasons and miss major opportunities. This video will help you to boost the power of your sales presentations.
Go see the people!
Seeing people face to face is far more powerful than calling them by phone or sending them an email. Wayne Berry: Seems obvious right? So why do many sales people avoid making the effort to visit live with prospects? In some cases I know that it’s fear, particularly when doing a follow up call, because […]
7 Things you need to know about reaching decision makers
Getting to decision makers can be difficult sometimes right? But as Wayne Berry explains it is hard for everyone, which is why if you can get to decision makers when your competitors can’t, then you will be way in front of them. Here are 7 very important things to be aware of.
Ask why you lost the deal… you may get it back!
It ain’t over until the fat lady sings! Wayne Berry: Here’s a strategy to find out why you lost the deal and in using this strategy, you may well get the deal back, or get it moving if for some reason it has stalled. It’s never too late.
How to go to a higher level decision maker when you are blocked
Lesson #1 Don’t get into this situation in the first place. Wayne Berry: That’s right, find out who all of the decision makers before you go too far and involve all decision makers if you can. If this is not possible and you do get stuck and can’t get a decision at the level you […]