Is Your Prospect Cold, Warm or Hot to Buy?
Trial Closes are a very valuable tool to determine what our prospect is thinking. In this video Wayne Berry explains how they should be used.
The Best Trial Close Seeks An Opinion
A TRIAL CLOSE is not the same as a closing question. Wayne Berry explains in this video that a trial close does NOT ask for a decision. Most people don’t like making decisions but if asked the right way, they don’t mind giving you their opinion. Use this strategy to determine if your prospect is […]
Close With a Minor, Not a Major Decision Question!
There are many different ways to ask for a commitment, sometimes called “Closing The Sale”. This is one that Wayne Berry likes to call “The Minor Decision Close”. It’s simple and effective.
The Confirmation Close
There are many different ways to ask for a commitment, sometimes called “Closing The Sale”. This is one that Wayne Berry likes to call “The Confirmation Close”. It’s simple and effective.
The Paper Work Close.
There are many different ways to ask for a commitment, sometimes called “Closing The Sale”. This is one that Wayne Berry likes to call “The Paper Work Close”. It’s simple and effective.
The Impending Doom Close.
There are many different ways to ask for a commitment, sometimes called “Closing The Sale”. This is one that Wayne Berry likes to call “The Impending Doom Close”. It’s simple and effective and in the client’s best interest if there is a very real reason why our customer will be disadvantaged if they don’t make […]