Sell on Value Not Price

Anyone can sell by dropping their price, but the true Sales Professional understands that you don’t need to have the lowest price.  Instead they sell on value for money and justify a fair price.  This ensures their company remains profitable and will be there in the future to provide service to all of their customers.

A New Model For Selling

Selling has changed but most sales people have not.  Most are still using a sales process, a sales model from some bygone era with today’s modern sophisticated buyers and it’s not working.  Wayne describes a “New Model” f0r selling which literally turns the “Old Model” on it’s head.  This is sales model you should be […]

Why Your Outer World Will Always Be A Reflection Of Your Inner World

You’ll hear Wayne Berry use this expression many times during this programme and in this video he talks specifically about how we present ourselves on the “outside” through our choice of clothing and personal grooming, impacts how we feel about ourselves on the “inside”.