Hard Now – Easy Later!

 We have a choice every day of our life as we make our decisions.  Do the hard things now, or only do the easy things.  Take the challenging road in life, or take the easy road?  These roads lead to entirely different destinations, and it is no mistake that we end up where we end […]

Empowering Attitude #6 – Keep All Promises

All successful people have an attitude of optimism which doesn’t always come naturally.  But we can develop “Learned Optimism” so we habitually choose to respond to every situation with optimism.  This attitude of optimism may be involve a reflex response to all challenging situations along the lines of “Where’s the opportunity in this situation to […]

Empowering Attitude #2 – Take 100% Responsibility

All successful people have an attitude of optimism which doesn’t always come naturally.  But we can develop “Learned Optimism” so we habitually choose to respond to every situation with optimism.  This attitude of optimism may be involve a reflex response to all challenging situations along the lines of “Where’s the opportunity in this situation to […]