Characteristics of Sales Success

Wayne Berry believes there are 10 characteristics common to all high performing sales professionals. He discusses 3 of these with Dale Beaumont, CEO of Business Blue Print Australia.

Creating Success By Design Not By Chance!

Most people think that success in life comes from good luck or good fortune.  While it’s true that timing and good luck does play a part in our success, highly successful people don’t leave their success to chance.  Instead they design a life on purpose to create the lifestyle they deserve and desire.  In this […]

Great Leaders Take 100% Responsibility!

Great Leadership understand the importance of taking 100% responsibility for very outcome, good and bad in their life.  Wayne Berry believe that great leaders also teach this to their team and develop this philosophy as one of the most important planks of their team culture.

3 Things You Need To Know About Maintaining A Great Attitude

Our attitude will determine 80% of our success in life, so maintaining a great attitude is very important.  In this video Wayne Berry explains 3 ways to maintain a great and empowering attitude throughout our life, particularly during times of adversity.

The Real And Hidden Cost of Owning a Television

Televisions and screens can cost us a lot these days!  Well you might think “No that’s not true, the cost of TVs and screen is coming down, not going up.”  Not so says Wayne Berry in this video and once you understand what he’s saying you’ll probably agree.  TVs and Screen can be very very […]