Success Stories at Sales Meetings

The sharing of SUCCESS STORIES at sales and other meetings is so important.  It’s an opportunity to recognize the achievements of team members which is both motivational and educational if done the right way.

Accountability and Leadership

Accountability is so important in LEADERSHIP.  As Wayne Berry says so frequently, “Inspect what you expect or you’ll lose respect.”

Hard Now – Easy Later!

 We have a choice every day of our life as we make our decisions.  Do the hard things now, or only do the easy things.  Take the challenging road in life, or take the easy road?  These roads lead to entirely different destinations, and it is no mistake that we end up where we end […]

When Should You Hire A Full Time Sales Manager – Part 3

Wayne Berry says “Do not abdicate your responsibility for sales once you hire sales people and / or a Sales Manager”.  Instead he says “Master selling skills yourself too!  Also master Sales Management and Leadership!  That way you’ll know how to spot good sales people when recruiting, and how to spot and recruit a good […]