When Should You Hire A Full Time Sales Manager – Part 1

Wayne Berry says “Do not abdicate your responsibility for sales once you hire sales people and / or a Sales Manager”.  Instead he says “Master selling skills yourself too!  Also master Sales Management and Leadership!  That way you’ll know how to spot good sales people when recruiting, and how to spot and recruit a good […]

When’s The Right Time To Hire A Sales Team For Your Business – Part 3

Small businesses after often founded by “Technicians” as Michael Gerber called them in his book “The E-Myth” more than 25 years ago.  They are experts at something, and when they start the business they are doing everything and doing it well.  If all goes well, the business grows so the owner takes on more “Technicians” […]

Where’s The Best Place to Find Proven Sales Performers – Part 1

Small businesses after often founded by “Technicians” as Michael Gerber called them in his book “The E-Myth” more than 25 years ago.  They are experts at something, and when they start the business they are doing everything and doing it well.  If all goes well, the business grows so the owner takes on more “Technicians” […]

Where’s The Best Place To Find Proven Sales Performers – Part 2

Recruiting is one of the most important functions of a leader / sales manager.  Get the right people on board, and you will be 80% towards having a high performing team.  Wayne Berry explains why it’s all about ATTRACTION.  It’s about ATTRACTING good people, NOT about chasing good people.  Part 2 of 3 in this […]

Selling Your Intellectual Property

Be sure to understand that your ideas, your strategies, the unique ways you have of helping your clients is actually your INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY. Because it’s unique to you, only you have it, and only you can offer it to your clients.  This will set you apart from your competitors and will be uniquely valuable to […]

Why Your Outer World Will Always Be A Reflection Of Your Inner World

You’ll hear Wayne Berry use this expression many times during this programme and in this video he talks specifically about how we present ourselves on the “outside” through our choice of clothing and personal grooming, impacts how we feel about ourselves on the “inside”.