How To Hire & Train Top Sales Performers – Part #3

Recruiting and training sales people is a vital function for business owners, sales managers and team leaders.  In this video Wayne Berry is interviewed by Dale Beaumont, CEO of Business Blue Print Australia about this important topic.  Lot’s of how to ideas and strategies here.

How To Hire & Train Top Sales Performers – Part #2

Recruiting and training sales people is a vital function for business owners, sales managers and team leaders.  In this video Wayne Berry is interviewed by Dale Beaumont, CEO of Business Blue Print Australia about this important topic.  Lot’s of how to ideas and strategies here.

How To Hire & Train Top Sales Performers – Part #1

Recruiting and training sales people is a vital function for business owners, sales managers and team leaders.  In this video Wayne Berry is interviewed by Dale Beaumont, CEO of Business Blue Print Australia about this important topic.  Lot’s of how to ideas and strategies here.

5 Ways To Recruit Good People

Recruiting team members is one of the most important functions of a great leader or manager.  In this video Wayne Berry shares 5 ideas with you on how to attract and recruit good people to your team.

When Is The Best Time for Sales Meetings?

Is there a good time for Sales Meetings?  Wayne Berry believes there is and explains his ideas here and why he feels sales meetings and all other types of team meetings are important.  The structure, the timing etc all need to be professional and consistent week after week.

Givers, Takers and Matchers On Your Team

As great leaders we are responsible for choosing members for our teams.  In this video Wayne Berry explains a concept around “Givers, Takers and Matchers”.  What sort of people do you have on your team?  By the way, your team will always be a reflection of you.