The 10 Biggest Mistakes With Training
In this video Graham Hartland Top Gun Coach shares what he sees as the 10 Biggest Mistakes most companies make when it comes to training their people.
Great Leadership Characteristic #18 – They are great motivators!
All great leaders are great motivators. They understand people, what motivates them and what demotivates them. One of the “secrets” around discovering what motivates every member on a team is to simply ask them. It’s important not to assume that what motivates one person will motivate another person. Or what motivates them will motivate their […]
How To Get Motivated When You Lose Confidence
Self motivation is the best motivation because it comes from within, but what happens when you lose confidence in yourself and all of your self motivation seems to have disappeared. Wayne Berry shares in this video how to get motivated again when you have lost that spark, lost that confidence.
3 Reasons for Always Being Early
Having a “Just in time” policy for arriving to meet with a prospect or client or to catch a flight at an airport may not be the best policy for a sales or business professional. In this short video Wayne Berry shares his experience and his policy on this.
The Best Worst Thing That’s Ever Happened!
Wayne came across this excellent video where Steve Jobs, Co-Founder of Apple Computer shares two simple stories but with a very profound message. It reminded him of one of his favorite phrases, often used when reassuring clients and friends who are facing adversity. The phrase, “You’ll look back one day and say ‘That was one […]
Overcoming Adversity Part 7 – Never Give Up!
Interviewed by Mindset Communications, Wayne Berry speaks frankly about the many times he has faced adversity in his life, the steps he took to overcome these times of adversity, and the many lessons he’s learned along the way. Some have said Wayne was too truthful in this warts and all interview.