Great Leaders Characteristic #16: They have a High EQ (Emotional Intelligence)

The moist successful leaders and people in life have a HIGH EQ.  That is, they can “read people” and seem to be able to connect with people at a “heart level” rather than a superficial “left brain” level.  So often they are often seen as “genuine”, “authentic”, “real word” and “trust worthy”.   Think about those […]

Characteristics of Great Leaders #10: They care about leaving a legacy

Dr Denis E Waitley, author of “The Psychology of Winning” talks about success being the planting of a tree under which we know we will never sit.  All great leaders care about leaving the world a better place than it was before they arrived.  A better place because of who they were, the way they […]

Empowering Attitude # 1 – Choose Optimism

All successful people have an attitude of optimism which doesn’t always come naturally.  But we can develop “Learned Optimism” so we habitually choose to respond to every situation with optimism.  This attitude of optimism may be involve a reflex response to all challenging situations along the lines of “Where’s the opportunity in this situation to […]