Great Leadership Characteristic #6 : They understand how to leverage their own success
A successful people have devised ways to leverage their time, efforts and success through the use of systems, technology and people. The greater the leverage, the grater their success.
Great Leadership Characteristic #5 – They understand that great leaders are great sales people
Our ability to communicate, influence and sell will determine much of our success in life. Like all skills, these skills can be learned, and very quickly too. Mastering them makes a world of difference to every area of our life.
Accountability and Leadership
Accountability is so important in LEADERSHIP. As Wayne Berry says so frequently, “Inspect what you expect or you’ll lose respect.”
Get a Coach – Fast Track Your Success
Using a coach can cut years off your success curve.
Empowering Attitude #5 – Do What Most Won’t Do
All successful people have an attitude of optimism which doesn’t always come naturally. But we can develop “Learned Optimism” so we habitually choose to respond to every situation with optimism. This attitude of optimism may be involve a reflex response to all challenging situations along the lines of “Where’s the opportunity in this situation to […]
We are paid for the value we bring to the marketplace
In the commercial world we are primarily paid for the value we bring to the marketplace. Figure out how to increase your value in the marketplace by serving others and your income will increase exponentially. Here’s a recording by the very famous Earl Nightingale on this subject