6 Fatal Mistakes To Avoid When Selling – #6

Mistake #6  – Believing that your company is responsible for making you successful! After more than 40 years as a Sales Professional and Sales Trainer and Coach Wayne Berry has identified what he called the 6 Fatal Mistakes to avoid when selling.  Make these mistakes often enough and you’ll be out of business.  Not necessary […]

6 Fatal Mistakes To Avoid When Selling – #4

Mistake #4  – Using Outdated Prospecting Methods. After more than 40 years as a Sales Professional and Sales Trainer and Coach Wayne Berry has identified what he called the 6 Fatal Mistakes to avoid when selling.  Make these mistakes often enough and you’ll be out of business.  Not necessary when they are all avoidable.

6 Fatal Mistakes To Avoid When Selling – #3

Mistake #3  – Believing that all top sales people are “Born Sales People”. After more than 40 years as a Sales Professional and Sales Trainer and Coach Wayne Berry has identified what he called the 6 Fatal Mistakes to avoid when selling.  Make these mistakes often enough and you’ll be out of business.  Not necessary […]

6 Fatal Mistakes To Avoid When Selling – #2

Mistake #2  – Believing that good sales people have “The Gift Of The Gab”. After more than 40 years as a Sales Professional and Sales Trainer and Coach Wayne Berry has identified what he called the 6 Fatal Mistakes to avoid when selling.  Make these mistakes often enough and you’ll be out of business.  Not […]

6 Fatal Mistakes To Avoid When Selling – #1

Mistake #1  – Believing that prospects will always buy on price. After more than 40 years as a Sales Professional and Sales Trainer and Coach Wayne Berry has identified what he called the 6 Fatal Mistakes to avoid when selling.  Make these mistakes often enough and you’ll be out of business.  Not necessary when they […]

How to get prospects to see you as trustworthy

The ability to build TRUST and RAPPORT is one of most important skills that every sales professional, leader and business person needs to have fully developed.  In this video Wayne Berry explains why this is true, and more importantly exactly what you can say and do so people do see you as trustworthy, not just […]