Great Leadership Characteristics #8 – They understand that success is all about adding value to others
All great leaders understand that success is all about adding value to others. Find out what people need and see if you can give it to them and in doing so they add value to others. When we add value to others, good things flow back to us. It’s all a part of “we get […]
Great Leadership Characteristic #7 – They understanding that leadership is about serving others.
Great leaders understand that the most successful people in life have figured out unique ways to help people. Lots of people. In fact the more people we can help and serve in life, the more success we will enjoy. All successful people including sales people understand this important principle of leadership and life.
Great Leadership Characteristic #6 : They understand how to leverage their own success
A successful people have devised ways to leverage their time, efforts and success through the use of systems, technology and people. The greater the leverage, the grater their success.
Great Leadership Characteristic #5 – They understand that great leaders are great sales people
Our ability to communicate, influence and sell will determine much of our success in life. Like all skills, these skills can be learned, and very quickly too. Mastering them makes a world of difference to every area of our life.
Great Leadership Characteristic #4 – They take 100% responsibility for their own success
All successful people take 100% responsibility for creating their own success. This means taking 100% responsibility for all outcomes we create, both good and bad. It means NEVER BLAMING other people or circumstances for what happens in our life. If you are not happy with you life, create a different. Nobody is coming the fix […]
Great Leadership Characteristics #3 – They understand life is a life long quest for self improvement.
All great leaders understand that LIFE is a life long quest for self improvement. To have more, first we must become more. Success in life rarely exceeds where we are on our personal development journey and is ALWAYS a REFLECTION of where we are, whether we like it or not or believe this or not.