Persistence & Gloria Jeans Coffee

Wayne Berry says he remember this day very well when he went to get his (at the time) favourite Gloria Jeans coffee just before he was to go on stage to present a seminar.  Everything else was ready for a great day, but now he was being told that he couldn’t have his coffee.  This […]

How To Get EVERYTHING You Want In Life!

In this video Wayne Berry shares one of Zig Ziglar’s most powerful philosophies for living our life.  Live this philosophy and you likely will get everything you want in life.

Achievers just DO IT ANYWAY!

In this video Wayne Berry explains one of the fundamental differences between successful people and unsuccessful people and it all starts with how they FEEL about themselves and the challenges they face every day in life.  How do you feel about challenges?  More importantly what do you do about how you feel about adversity or […]

What is Attitude?

Attitude is so important to our success in life.  Attitude is the way we filter our world.  It determines how we see our world and this will affect every aspect of our life.  Choose your attitude every day.  You can choose a positive or negative outlook everyday and this absolutely will shape your day and […]

Be Proud To Be In Sales

How you see yourself and how you feel about yourself will determine much of the success or not that you enjoy in life.  In this video Wayne Berry explains why your “Outer World will always be a reflection or your “Inner World” and why being proud of yourself and your professional is so important.  If […]

JIM ROHN: Get Serious!!

One of Wayne Berry’s first mentors was Jim Rohn.  Wayne brought Jim to Australia, New Zealand and South East Asia many times in the 1980s to share his inspiring seminars and workshops.  Wayne was motivated to share what had changed his life forever at age 27.  If you’d like a shot of inspiring motivation you’ve […]