Great Leadership Characteristic #19 – They have the ability to train, coach and mentor their people
All great leaders and successful people realize that having the ability to train, coach and mentor people around them, allows them to leverage their own time and their own success. For some people, these abilities come naturally, but others they must be learned. But the good things about skill is that ALL SKILLS CAN BE […]
Great Leadership Characteristics #17 – They know how to bring out the best in people
Great leaders have the ability to inspire, encourage, train, coach and lead people to achieve greater levels of success in their lives. Jim Rohn was one such person and Wayne Berry knows from personal experience that Jim Rohn had this very important influence in his life, as well as the lives of millions across the […]
Great Leadership Characteristics #14 – They connect with people at a “Heart Level”
All great leaders genuinely care about people. People in their family, their teams, their country and their world and it shows. They are known to take a genuine interest in all people regardless of their station in life. They are “GIVERS” not takers, and “as ye sow, so shall ye reap”.
Great Leadership Characteristic #11 – They have clearly defined goals and track record for achieving them
All great leaders and successful people have clearly defined goals. Not only have they clearly defined their goals, but they have a track record for always achieving them. A goal becomes a promise to themselves to do what they said they would do, and this becomes a habitual way of living their life. People often […]
Characteristics of Great Leaders #10: They care about leaving a legacy
Dr Denis E Waitley, author of “The Psychology of Winning” talks about success being the planting of a tree under which we know we will never sit. All great leaders care about leaving the world a better place than it was before they arrived. A better place because of who they were, the way they […]
Great Leadership Characteristic # 9 – They have high Integrity
Integrity is important to all great leaders, indeed any successful person. They have a long term perspective on life and realize that we get back what we put out there. Be a person of integrity.