We are paid for the value we bring to the marketplace

In the commercial world we are primarily paid for the value we bring to the marketplace.  Figure out how to increase your value in the marketplace by serving others and your income will increase exponentially.  Here’s a recording by the very famous Earl Nightingale on this subject https://youtu.be/m9PmuAFsQOM


One of the #1 factors that will determine our success in life is our willingness to take 100% RESPONSIBILITY for all of the outcomes we create in life.  Winner take 100% responsibility for themselves.  Losers blame everyone else for where they are in life.

All Skills Can Be Learned

Jim Rohn put it so well when he said, “We can have more than we have, because we can become more than we are”, and of course we can do this by developing our skills in any area we choose.  The good thing about skills is that all skills can be learned, if….. watch the […]