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Please describe what you sell, who you sell to, and your sales process.
If you were with your company in the previous year and have a sales budget, what percentage of target did you achieve the year before last?
How would you describe your current level of sales success and potential for even greater success.
The Profession of Selling
Rate how you see yourself right now as a sales professional on a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 is you are not yet in sales and 10 being outstanding, reached your full potential.
Please tick the box that best matches the description of how you feel about this question
0 - Not started yet
1 - Considerable room to grow
2 - Started to develop
3 - Well below average
4 - Below average
5 - Fair
6 - Average
7 - Above average
8 - Good
9 - Excellent
10 - Outstanding. I have reached my full potential
How would you define selling?
1. Personal Motivation
Rate your level of personal motivation out of 1 – 10. 1 being not motivated and 10 being always highly motivated
Please tick the box that best matches the description of how you feel about this question
0 - Not motivated at all
1 - Considerable room to grow
2 - Started to improve
3 - Well below average
4 - Below average
5 - Fair
6 - Average
7 - Above Average
8 - Good
9 - Excellent
10 - Outstanding. I have reached my full potential
What motivates you?
How do you stay motivated?
2. Personal and Professional Development
Rate your level of personal and professional development out of 1 – 10. 1 being not very personal and professional development oriented and 10 being very personal and professional development oriented.
Please tick the box that best matches the description of how you feel about this question
0 - Not personal and professional development oriented at all
1 - Considerable room to grow
2 - Started to improve
3 - Well below average
4 - Below average
5 - Fair
6 - Average
7 - Above average
8 - Good
9 - Excellent
10 - Outstanding. I have reached my full potential
Please detail what training programmes you have done in the past, when you did them and what you thought of them.
Who paid for these training programmes?
What personal and professional development audio and video programme have you listened to or viewed?
Who are some of the authors? When was this? What did you think of some of these programme you have watched or listened to?
Who paid for these? How much was spent?
What personal and professional development books have you read? Who are some of the authors? What did you think of some of these books you have read?
3. Prospecting
Rate your level of skill with prospecting out of 1 – 10. 1 if you don't enjoy prospecting and don't get a very good result and 10 being where you are very good at prospecting, and your conversion ratio is very good, with lots of meetings booked.
Please tick the box that best matches the description of how you feel about this question
0 - I don't enjoy prospecting and don't get a very good result.
1 - Considerable room to grow
2 - Started to improve
3 - Well below average
4 - Below average
5 - Fair
6 - Average
7 - Above average
8 - Good
9 - Excellent
10 - Outstanding. I have reached my full potential
If you are short on prospects, what do you do?
If you are contacting potential prospects on the telephone to gain an appointment, what do you say?
How do you handle screening receptionists and PAs?
What is your response to "I'm not interested"?
4. The First Meeting
Rate your level of skill with handling the first meeting with a new prospect on a scale of 1 – 10. 1 if you do not feel comfortable during a first meeting with a new prospect, and 10 if you are totally comfortable, always get your prospect committed to looking at your solution and don't feel you have any room for improvement.
Please tick the box that best matches the description of how you feel about this question
0 - I don't feel confident or comfortable in a first meeting with a new prospect.
1 - Considerable room to improve
2 - Started to improve
3 - Well below average
4 - Below average
5 - Fair
6 - Average
7 - Above average
8 - Good
9 - Excellent
10 - Outstanding. I have reached my full potential
You are meeting with a prospect for the first time after you initiated the contact. What is your plan for this first meeting?
What is your response to a prospect who says, "I don't have a lot of time, just tell me what have you got and how much is it?"
5. Handling Sales Enquiries
Rate your level of skill when handling sales enquiries on a scale of 1 – 10. 1 if you do not feel confident handling sales enquiries (eg. all they want is a cheap price!) and 10 if you feel totally confident, always get your prospect to agree to a meeting or take an order on the telephone.
Please tick the box that best matches the description of how you feel about this question
0 - I don't feel confident or comfortable handling sales enquiries.
1 - Considerable room to improve
2 - Started to improve
3 - Well below average
4 - Below average
5 - Fair
6 - Average
7 - Above Average
8 - Good
9 - Excellent
10 - Outstanding. I have reached my full potential
When you receive a sales enquiry, how do you handle this? What do you say?
What do you say to the prospect who says, "This is what I need, can you supply this and what's your best price"?
6. Making Sales Presentations
Rate your level of skill when making sales presentations on a scale of 1 – 10. 1 if you do not feel confident making sales presentations and 10 if you feel totally confident and feel your sales presentations can not be improved.
Please tick the box that best matches the description of how you feel about this question
0 - I don't feel confident or comfortable making sales presentations..
1 - Considerable room to improve
2 - Started to improve
3 - Well below average
4 - Below average
5 - Fair
6 - Average
7 - Above average
8 - Good
9 - Excellent
10 - Outstanding. I have reached my full potential
What preparation do you do before making your sales presentations?
Do you have an "elevator pitch", a short punchy presentation of 30 to 60 seconds which summarises what you can do to help a prospect? A presentation that gets a prospect hungry to hear more. Please share your "elevator pitch" here now.
7. Gaining Commitment - Closing The Sale.
Rate your level of skill when closing the sale on a scale of 1 – 10. 1 if you do not feel confident asking for a commitment or closing the sale and 10 if you feel totally confident, your closing ratio is high and you don't feel there is much or any room for improvement.
Please tick the box that best matches the description of how you feel about this question
0 - I don't feel confident or comfortable asking for a commitment or closing the sale..
1 - Considerable room to improve
2 - Started to improve
3 - Well below average
4 - Below average
5 - Fair
6 - Average
7 - Above average
8 - Good
9 - Excellent
10 - Outstanding. I have reached my full potential
What are your thoughts around this part of the sales process?
Is there a "right" time to close the sale? If so when, and what do you like to say?
8. Handling Objections
Rate your level of skill when handling objections on a scale of 1 – 10. 1 if you do not feel confident handling objections and 10 if you feel totally confident and you don't feel there is much or any room for improvement.
Please tick the box that best matches the description of how you feel about this question
0 - I don't feel confident or comfortable handling objections.
1 - Considerable room to improve
2 - Started to improve
3 - Well below average
4 - Below average
5 - Fair
6 - Average
7 - Above average
8 - Good
9 - Excellent
10 - Outstanding. I have reached my full potential
Do you feel objections are inevitable?
Do you have a strategy for handing all objections or do you handle each in a different way?
What do you generally say when a prospect says, "Your price is too high / your competitors are cheaper." or "We are happy with what we have / happy with existing supplier!"?
What do you generally say when a prospect says, "Leave it with me, I'd like to think it over".
9. Negotiating
Rate your level of skill when negotiating on a scale of 1 – 10. 1 if you do not feel confident negotiating and 10 if you feel totally confident and you don't feel there is much or any room for improvement.
Please tick the box that best matches the description of how you feel about this question
0 - I don't feel confident or comfortable when negotiating.
1 - Considerable room to improve
2 - Started to improve
3 - Well below average
4 - Below average
5 - Fair
6 - Average
7 - Above average
8 - Good
9 - Excellent
10 - Outstanding. I have reached my full potential
What are your thoughts around negotiating in a sales situation?
10. Selling To Different Styles Of Buyers
Rate your level of skill on a scale of 1 – 10 when selling to different psychological types. 1 if you do not feel confident negotiating and 10 if you feel totally confident and you don't feel there is much or any room for improvement.
Please tick the box that best matches the description of how you feel about this question
0 - I don't feel confident or comfortable when negotiating.
1 - Considerable room to improve
2 - Started to improve
3 - Well below average
4 - Below average
5 - Fair
6 - Average
7 - Above average
8 - Good
9 - Excellent
10 - Outstanding. I have reached my full potential
Have you done any training on dealing with different psychological types? If so please tell us what you have done.
11. Time Management
Rate your level of skill in managing your time on a scale of 1 – 10. 1 if you do not feel you manage your time well and 10 if you feel you do this well and you don't feel there is much or any room for improvement.
Please tick the box that best matches the description of how you feel about this question
0 - I don't feel I manage my time very well.
1 - Considerable room to improve
2 - Started to improve
3 - Well below average
4 - Below average
5 - Fair
6 - Average
7 - Above average
8 - Good
9 - Excellent
10 - Outstanding. I have reached my full potential
What are a few of the strategies you use for effective time management?
12. Goal Achievement and Personal Success
Rate your level of skill in setting and achieving your personal and professional goals on a scale of 1 – 10. 1 if you do not feel you do this well and 10 if you feel you do this well and you don't feel there is much or any room for improvement.
Please tick the box that best matches the description of how you feel about this question
0 - I don't feel I am very good right now with setting and achieving my goals.
1 - Considerable room to improve
2 - Started to improve
3 - Well below average
4 - Below average
5 - Fair
6 - Average
7 - Above average
8 - Good
9 - Excellent
10 - Outstanding. I have reached my full potential
What are a few of the strategies you use for the achievement of personal and professional goals?
What are some of business goals you have achieved and are most proud of? When were these achieved?
Are there some other selling skills you possess or other areas that you would like to comment on?
Please write your thoughts or questions here
Thank you for investing this time in your own future growth and success. We will be in touch shortly to set up a time to discuss what you have written here. The report generated here is CONFIDENTIAL.
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