6 Things You Need To Know About Negotiating

Wayne Berry explains in this video why in his words, “Negotiating is the most highly paid work you will ever do”.  Because it is such an important skill Wayne shares with you in this video 6 very important things that you absolutely need to know about negotiating.

Don’t Just Call And Ask If They Are Ready To Buy

Wayne Berry explains that if asked to get back to someone in 6 months time, don’t wait 6 months.  However don’t just get back to your prospects and ask them if they are ready to buy.  Instead when you are in contact see if there is some way to add some value to the relationship […]

Negotiating In China

In this video Wayne Berry explains some negotiating tactics that he used in China.  A great place to practice negotiating where negotiating is very much a way of life.  Wayne shows that if you don’t take it too seriously and see situations like these as an opportunity to practice your negotiating.

Dealing with the objection, “It costs too much”

In this video Wayne deals with what to do and say a prospect says “It costs too much!”.  He outlines exactly what to say when we get this objection.  A great strategy which show our prospects that cost and price are two entirely different things.  A price (investment) might be higher than what they expected […]

How To Use Testimonials

Wayne Berry explains that if you are not using written or video testimonials to add credibility then you are likely missing out on sales that could be yours.  You can use them before your sales presentations, during your presentations, when closing and when handling and answering objections.  So how do you get them?  One is […]