4 Ways to get your phone calls returned

It can be frustrating trying to reach some prospects.  In this video, Wayne Berry explains how to get your phone calls returned if you are having trouble getting through, and if you are compelled to leave a voice mail message.

How to go to a higher level decision maker when you are blocked

Lesson #1 Don’t get into this situation in the first place.  Wayne Berry:  That’s right, find out who all of the decision makers before you go too far and involve all decision makers if you can.  If this is not possible and you do get stuck and can’t get a decision at the level you […]

Three Magic Questions to DISTURB and REVEAL

Three magic questions if asked in the right manner will tell you why your prospect has what they have now.  What theyhave now.  What they like most about that buying decision,  and what they would like beyond what they have now.  The answers to these 3 questions gives you information you now need to present […]

What the Mercedes sales person should have done

Sometimes things will go wrong.  The important thing is what you then do when it does.  Wayne Berry:  When things go wrong it’s an opportunity to show how much you really care and build an even stronger customer relationship.  When you do, your customer can in most cases be turned from unhappy to being an […]

My Bad Mercedes Customer Service Experience

If you buy a Mercedes you expect a high quality vehicle and high quality service right?  Wayne Berry: But in the end it comes down to the people in the dealership that will determine your customer experience.  But it’s good to know you can always take any customer service problems direct to Mercedes right, and […]

How to use a Question Softener

Questions are vital to professional selling.  However some sales people find it uncomfortable to move into “Question Asking Mode”.  In this video Wayne Berry explains how to move comfortably into “Question Asking Mode” by relaxing the prospect with a Question Softener.  Once you know how to use a Question Softener, your prospect will relax, and […]