Why It’s Important To Return Calls and Emails Quickly

Is it important to return phone calls and emails promptly?  Wayne Berry explains in this video why he thinks it is very important to return calls and emails promptly.  He believes that the way we treat people early in a relationship is often a “preview of coming attractions”.  In other words, if someone is slow […]

Words To Avoid When Selling

Are there certain words and phrases that should be avoided when selling?  In this video Wayne Berry shares with you some “NO-NOs” about words, phrases and philosophies that should be avoided in selling because they destroy your credibility.

3 Steps To Making a Sincere Compliment

Using compliments is a great way to build rapport.  However if a compliment is perceived as insincere then it actually will do more harm than good.  In this video Wayne Berry shares a simple 3 step process for ensuring your compliments sound sincere and indeed are sincere,

Why Personal Presentation Is So Important

Whether we like it or not people will always judge us on our personal presentation.  First impressions do count, because we only have one chance to make a first impression.  Someone once said “Who you are (or appear to be) speaks so loud I can’t hear your words.”  Don’t make the mistake of thinking it […]