The Psychology of Colour

In this video Wayne Berry explains something about the psychology of colour.   He suggests that you at least be aware of the studies and what they reveal about the affect different colours have on us as human beings.

80% of our happiness comes from our relationships

Psychologist tell us that 80% or more of our happiness comes from our relationships.  Wayne Berry:  if this is true and from my experience of life it is, the question becomes how well am I taking care of the important relationships I have in my life.  In this video I share an interesting exercise to […]

How To Use Skype and Video Conferencing For Selling

Terry Brock, Skype’s Chief Enterprise Blogger interviews Wayne Berry and discusses how we can use Skype and other video conferencing systems (eg. to be more effective in selling and doing business globally.  If you are not using Skype, or some other video conferencing system to save you travel time and to enable you […]

How to become a Doctor of Sales

In this video Wayne Berry explains how to become a Generation 4 or Generation 5 Sales Professional.  What he calls a “Doctor of Sales”.  Do this and you will standout head and shoulders above any competitors.

Go see the people!

Seeing people face to face is far more powerful than calling them by phone or sending them an email.  Wayne Berry:  Seems obvious right?  So why do many sales people avoid making the effort to visit live with prospects?  In some cases I know that it’s fear, particularly when doing a follow up call, because […]

How To Build Trust – Make a Promise and Keep It!

Why it’s so important to keep promises!  In this video Wayne Berry passes along some sage advice from Marketing Guru Winston Marsh from Melbourne Australia.  He explains why it is so important to DO WHAT YOU PROMISED YOU WOULD DO and why even small promises are important. Like “I’ll call you back later today”.  Everything […]