Don’t Wait For Perfection (The Gladys Knight Story)

In the mid 1990s Wayne Berry presented on a multi speaker tour of Australia and South East Asia.  That speaker line up included James Rohn, Rev Robert Schuler, and Les Brown.  Wayne met Gradys Knight of Motown fame (Gladys Knight and the Pips) at dinner on the first night of the tour.  She was married […]

Never, Never, Never…Give Up! (The Homeless Man With The Golden Voice)

This video presented by Wayne Berry was recorded some time ago.  But we think you’ll feel the story he introduces inspiring.  The story concerns a homeless guy with the ‘golden voice’.  His name was Ted Williams, and he’s come a LONG since 2011 when he was “€œdiscovered”€ holding a cardboard sign on the side of […]

What to do when they say “Just email me”!

In this video Wayne Berry answers a question from a sales person on the 12 month Top Gun Sales Coaching Programme.  He asked “What to do when they say ‘just email me’!”  Wayne explains why this is not a good idea and some great alternatives including how to get a fce to face meeting.

Ask why you lost the deal… you may get it back!

It ain’t over until the fat lady sings!   Wayne Berry: Here’s a strategy to find out why you lost the deal and in using this strategy, you may well get the deal back, or get it moving if for some reason it has stalled.  It’s never too late.

What the Mercedes sales person should have done

Sometimes things will go wrong.  The important thing is what you then do when it does.  Wayne Berry:  When things go wrong it’s an opportunity to show how much you really care and build an even stronger customer relationship.  When you do, your customer can in most cases be turned from unhappy to being an […]

One choice can change EVERYTHING in life

Where we have arrived today in our life has been the result of a series of choices and decisions we have made along the way in our life.  Think about that.  If you had made even one different choice, it is likely you would not be sitting reading these words right now. You would have […]