How to get prospects to see you as trustworthy

The ability to build TRUST and RAPPORT is one of most important skills that every sales professional, leader and business person needs to have fully developed.  In this video Wayne Berry explains why this is true, and more importantly exactly what you can say and do so people do see you as trustworthy, not just […]

Diagnosis Questions – Part 1

In this video Wayne Berry explains why professional sales people have learned how to ask good questions.  He explains that there is a dual purpose to asking questions during a first meeting.  Most sales people understand that we ask questions to understand what the prospect feels they need, but there is another even more important […]

Why people buy

If you understand why people buy, you will be able to structure your sales presentations to appeal to the emotional reason that motivate people to buy.  Wayne Berry:  Most sales people however don’t understand these reasons and miss major opportunities.  This video will help you to boost the power of your sales presentations.

Go see the people!

Seeing people face to face is far more powerful than calling them by phone or sending them an email.  Wayne Berry:  Seems obvious right?  So why do many sales people avoid making the effort to visit live with prospects?  In some cases I know that it’s fear, particularly when doing a follow up call, because […]