Start With Why. Wayne shares Simon Sinek’s best selling book.

If you have not yet read Simon Sinek’s book “START WITH WHY”, Wayne Berry suggests you do and explains why.  It’s also available as an audio recording and well worth getting.  He also takes you to a live presentation where Simon Sinek explains this concept and why it’s so important.

6 things you need to know about selling on value for money

In this video Wayne Berry explains how professional sales people sell on value for money and do not discount.  Discounting is what amateurs do either because they don’t understand and hence are not sold themselves on the value of their offer, and / or because it’s the easy way to deal with the price objection.  […]

Go see the people!

Seeing people face to face is far more powerful than calling them by phone or sending them an email.  Wayne Berry:  Seems obvious right?  So why do many sales people avoid making the effort to visit live with prospects?  In some cases I know that it’s fear, particularly when doing a follow up call, because […]

How To Build Trust – Make a Promise and Keep It!

Why it’s so important to keep promises!  In this video Wayne Berry passes along some sage advice from Marketing Guru Winston Marsh from Melbourne Australia.  He explains why it is so important to DO WHAT YOU PROMISED YOU WOULD DO and why even small promises are important. Like “I’ll call you back later today”.  Everything […]

It Ain’t Over Until The Fat Lady Sings

Should you invest in training someone based on their age?  They say you can’t teach an “old dog” new tricks.  In this video Wayne Berry talks about the wisdom or not or investing in staff who are over 55, 60 or heavens above…65.  Apart from it likely being against labor laws today to discriminate against […]

3 Steps To Making a Sincere Compliment

Using compliments is a great way to build rapport.  However if a compliment is perceived as insincere then it actually will do more harm than good.  In this video Wayne Berry shares a simple 3 step process for ensuring your compliments sound sincere and indeed are sincere,