How To Use Email Newsletters

Wayne Berry was a pioneer using email newsletters way before most people and companies did.  They actually replaced Wayne’s paper new letters (Top Gun Sales and Sales Management Tips) that he had mailed for years before emails were invented.  He explains how they should SELL NOTHING but simply EDUCATE and HELP clients by providing great […]

How To Use Skype and Video Conferencing For Selling

Terry Brock, Skype’s Chief Enterprise Blogger interviews Wayne Berry and discusses how we can use Skype and other video conferencing systems (eg. to be more effective in selling and doing business globally.  If you are not using Skype, or some other video conferencing system to save you travel time and to enable you […]

Why people buy

If you understand why people buy, you will be able to structure your sales presentations to appeal to the emotional reason that motivate people to buy.  Wayne Berry:  Most sales people however don’t understand these reasons and miss major opportunities.  This video will help you to boost the power of your sales presentations.

One choice can change EVERYTHING in life

Where we have arrived today in our life has been the result of a series of choices and decisions we have made along the way in our life.  Think about that.  If you had made even one different choice, it is likely you would not be sitting reading these words right now. You would have […]


The lesson of the EMPTY PICKLE JAR is a profound one and one that illustrates life.  Watch, enjoy, share with those you love and care about, and remember to make space for the big things in life, because if we fill our lives with the “Small Stuff” there will be no space for the important […]