Getting To Decision Makers
This video was recorded during a live workshop with Wayne Berry. He explains how to ask questions and find out what the decision making process is with a prospects and who the decision makers are, the decision influencers etc . It’s very important to involve the decision makers early.
Go to the top when prospecting
It’s not always easy to get to decision makers when prospecting. Wayne Berry explains that this is a good things because it means your competitors will likely give up and instead prospect at a lower level. However if you persist and can get through to the ultimate decision maker, you will be way ahead of […]
Selling Through Distributors
Do you sell through distributors? Or could you? In this video Wayne Berry explains how we can improve the sales performance of your distributors. He suggest that you help your distributors to strengthen their skills in 2 main areas. By doing this you strengthen your relationship with your distributors, build their loyalty (in same cases […]
The Mind Set of The Self Employed
Wayne Berry explains that having the MINDSET OF THE SELF EMPLOYED will give you a major advantage in life. He contends whether we work for someone else or not, we are really all self employed. Some people realize this and some people do not. Those who do understand this will always do much better in […]
Who can make you fabulously wealthy?
Who can make you fabulously wealthy? In this video Wayne Berry introduces you to someone who can.
7 Things You Need To Know About Getting To Decision Makers
Wayne Berry explains in this video why it is so important to get to the real decision maker or decision makers. If they are hard for you to get to then it’s hard for your competitors, but if you do deal with the decision maker, your chance of getting a good decision will more often […]