How To Map Out Your Sales Process & Financial Compensation Plan – Part 1

The truth is most companies, and by this I mean their leaders, sales managers etc have never actually taken the time to map out the most efficient sales process for their sales people, and then introduce “Performance Standards” into their organization that ensure that these processes are followed on a routine basis.  Even fewer Sales […]

All Skills Can Be Learned

Jim Rohn put it so well when he said, “We can have more than we have, because we can become more than we are”, and of course we can do this by developing our skills in any area we choose.  The good thing about skills is that all skills can be learned, if….. watch the […]

Where’s The Best Place To Find Proven Sales Performers – Part 1

Good people are found and most importantly they are attracted and this is the real “secret” to finding attractive people to add to our team.  The other important aspect of this to remember is “To attract good people, first we must be attractive”.  How attractive is it to be on your team, and work with […]

Why follow through is so important

In this video Wayne shares some statistics on follow up that will surprise you and perhaps even shock you.  Actual proof that persistence really does pay off in selling.

How To Make Your Own Luck In Sales By Prospecting

Prospecting is still a vital skill to have if you want to be successful in sales today.  Sure you can wait for your company to advertise, wait for internet inquiries, wait for your Social Media Marketing to work… or you can make your own luck and prospect on purpose.  What if these other methods don’t […]