The Value of The “Unreasonable Friend”

Recorded some time ago in a “live” workshop Wayne Berry explains the powerful concept of “The Unreasonable Friend”.   He gives a personal example of how having “Unreasonable Friends” in his life has helped him turn his life around in times of adversity.

First Thing Every Morning!

In this video you’ll discover many important ideas around our attitude and mind-set and how it shapes our every day and in doing so it shapes our entire life.   Could simply making a decision every morning to “HAVE A GREAT DAY” and to “MAKE IT A GREAT DAY” change the way our day turns out?  […]

A Relentless Commitment to Excellence. (The Steve Jobs Way.)

A relentless commitment to excellence is a characteristic common to all successful people.  In this video Wayne Berry explains how Steve Jobs, Co-Founder of Apple was a good example of this, and asks “What is your level of commitment to excellence in all areas of your life?”

Take 100% Responsibility When You Stuff Up!

We all make mistakes and “stuff up” at various time in our life.  The question is what do we do when we do have one of these “learning experiences”?  The average person ignores the situation, or blames someone else or “circumstances beyond their control”.  In this video Wayne Berry explains what the successful do when […]