Promises Promises Promises!

In this video Wayne Berry talks about making promises and asks “Are you keeping ALL of your promises?”    He explains why keeping small promises builds trust and rapport that can lead to a new customer and why forgetting about small promises which you may not think are really important, destroys trust.  He gives a […]

80% of our happiness comes from our relationships

Psychologist tell us that 80% or more of our happiness comes from our relationships.  Wayne Berry:  if this is true and from my experience of life it is, the question becomes how well am I taking care of the important relationships I have in my life.  In this video I share an interesting exercise to […]

6 Fatal Mistakes To Avoid When Selling – #3

Mistake #3  – Believing that all top sales people are “Born Sales People”. After more than 40 years as a Sales Professional and Sales Trainer and Coach Wayne Berry has identified what he called the 6 Fatal Mistakes to avoid when selling.  Make these mistakes often enough and you’ll be out of business.  Not necessary […]

6 Fatal Mistakes To Avoid When Selling – #1

Mistake #1  – Believing that prospects will always buy on price. After more than 40 years as a Sales Professional and Sales Trainer and Coach Wayne Berry has identified what he called the 6 Fatal Mistakes to avoid when selling.  Make these mistakes often enough and you’ll be out of business.  Not necessary when they […]

Ask why you lost the deal… you may get it back!

It ain’t over until the fat lady sings!   Wayne Berry: Here’s a strategy to find out why you lost the deal and in using this strategy, you may well get the deal back, or get it moving if for some reason it has stalled.  It’s never too late.

What the Mercedes sales person should have done

Sometimes things will go wrong.  The important thing is what you then do when it does.  Wayne Berry:  When things go wrong it’s an opportunity to show how much you really care and build an even stronger customer relationship.  When you do, your customer can in most cases be turned from unhappy to being an […]