Never, Never, Never…Give Up! (The Homeless Man With The Golden Voice)

This video presented by Wayne Berry was recorded some time ago.  But we think you’ll feel the story he introduces inspiring.  The story concerns a homeless guy with the ‘golden voice’.  His name was Ted Williams, and he’s come a LONG since 2011 when he was “€œdiscovered”€ holding a cardboard sign on the side of […]

6 things you need to know about selling on value for money

In this video Wayne Berry explains how professional sales people sell on value for money and do not discount.  Discounting is what amateurs do either because they don’t understand and hence are not sold themselves on the value of their offer, and / or because it’s the easy way to deal with the price objection.  […]

How to deal with a procrastinator

In this video Wayne Berry explains how to deal with a procrastinator.  He discusses the “Salami” closing strategy and the “Law of Psychological Reciprocity”, a very powerful law that we can harness in a situation like this.

Attitude not aptitude will determine your success!

Wayne Berry:  “I often say that at school that I was in that half of the class that made the top half possible.  My aptitude and scholastic abilities were not good and these were reflected in my struggling results all through my school years.  In the end I did scrape through and could have gone […]

Characteristics of Great Leaders #13: They understand the “Ant Philosophy”

All great leaders understand the “Ant Philosophy”.  There are 4 parts to the Ant Philosophy and Wayne Berry shares these with you in this video.  He also talks about a link to where his friend and mentor Jim Rohn explains in his own words about “The Ant Philosophy”.  Be sure to check this video out […]

Hard Now – Easy Later!

 We have a choice every day of our life as we make our decisions.  Do the hard things now, or only do the easy things.  Take the challenging road in life, or take the easy road?  These roads lead to entirely different destinations, and it is no mistake that we end up where we end […]