Closing From The Heart!

Closing should NOT about clever tricky high pressure tactics.  Wayne Berry explains in this video from a “live” workshop that if we feel in our heart what we have recommended to our clients will benefit them, then we certainly should ask them to make the commitment to themselves to now take the action needed to […]

The “Stair Step Method” for Handling Objections

Wayne Berry explains how this strategy is one of the most powerful methods for handling objections.  When it is mastered, this strategy will get you to the REAL OBJECTION which is often “hidden” and unstated, but it’s the real reason which is stopping you from moving ahead. COACHING NOTE:  It is so important to understand […]

6 Things You Need To Know About Negotiating

Wayne Berry explains in this video why in his words, “Negotiating is the most highly paid work you will ever do”.  Because it is such an important skill Wayne shares with you in this video 6 very important things that you absolutely need to know about negotiating.

Don’t Just Call And Ask If They Are Ready To Buy

Wayne Berry explains that if asked to get back to someone in 6 months time, don’t wait 6 months.  However don’t just get back to your prospects and ask them if they are ready to buy.  Instead when you are in contact see if there is some way to add some value to the relationship […]