Why It’s Important To Return Calls and Emails Quickly

Is it important to return phone calls and emails promptly?  Wayne Berry explains in this video why he thinks it is very important to return calls and emails promptly.  He believes that the way we treat people early in a relationship is often a “preview of coming attractions”.  In other words, if someone is slow […]

Why Personal Presentation Is So Important

Whether we like it or not people will always judge us on our personal presentation.  First impressions do count, because we only have one chance to make a first impression.  Someone once said “Who you are (or appear to be) speaks so loud I can’t hear your words.”  Don’t make the mistake of thinking it […]

One choice can change EVERYTHING in life

Where we have arrived today in our life has been the result of a series of choices and decisions we have made along the way in our life.  Think about that.  If you had made even one different choice, it is likely you would not be sitting reading these words right now. You would have […]


The lesson of the EMPTY PICKLE JAR is a profound one and one that illustrates life.  Watch, enjoy, share with those you love and care about, and remember to make space for the big things in life, because if we fill our lives with the “Small Stuff” there will be no space for the important […]

The Master Mind Principle – Napolean Hill

In the 1920s Napolean Hill wrote a book that was destine to change the lives of tens of millions of people the world over since then.  If you have not read this book, I’d suggest you do so.  It is as relevant now as it was when first published.  I read it in my 20s […]

Stand guard at the door of your mind

Wayne Berry: “I got to meet Jim Rohn at age 27 and this meeting profoundly changed the direction  of my life.  I got to work with Jim for more than a decade and then we kept in touch until his life ended.  One of the ideas that Jim shared with me in those early days […]