The Attitude is Everything

This little video explains why ATTITUDE IS EVERYTHING.  It explores “7 Rules of Success in Life”. A Harvard University Study concluded many decades ago that 80% of our success (or failure) in life will always be determined by our attitude.  So what this means is, that even though we may lack many of the natural […]

Secrets of the World Class – Turning Mediocrity Into Greatness!

A great video about turning mediocrity into greatness.  It contrasts and compares the MIND SET of people who see themselves as “Middle Class” with people who see themselves as “WORLD CLASS”. As Wayne Berry so frequently says, “Our ‘Outer World’ will ALWAYS be a reflection of our ‘Inner World’.”

The Value of The “Unreasonable Friend”

Recorded some time ago in a “live” workshop Wayne Berry explains the powerful concept of “The Unreasonable Friend”.   He gives a personal example of how having “Unreasonable Friends” in his life has helped him turn his life around in times of adversity.

The Magic of YET!

If you ever find yourself saying “I can’t do that!” or “That’s not me!” then you need to watch this video and discover how to deliberately remove this self limiting belief and negative affirmation.  In this video Wayne Berry explains how to change it all with one short word.

Take 100% Responsibility When You Stuff Up!

We all make mistakes and “stuff up” at various time in our life.  The question is what do we do when we do have one of these “learning experiences”?  The average person ignores the situation, or blames someone else or “circumstances beyond their control”.  In this video Wayne Berry explains what the successful do when […]