Secrets of the World Class – Turning Mediocrity Into Greatness!

A great video about turning mediocrity into greatness.  It contrasts and compares the MIND SET of people who see themselves as “Middle Class” with people who see themselves as “WORLD CLASS”. As Wayne Berry so frequently says, “Our ‘Outer World’ will ALWAYS be a reflection of our ‘Inner World’.”

SUCCESS – The Lesson of 212 Degrees

Wayne Berry explains the 212 Degrees of Success Principle.  Success generally does not just happen over night.  In fact in many projects, we see nothing at all, no progress at all, right up until we reach the “TIPPING POINT” and suddenly all the time and effort put in pays off.  This is what we see […]

Take Time To Have Some Fun!

“Success Is Journey NOT The Destination!”    In this video, Wayne Berry explains that while this is a phrase you’ll hear from time to time, a lot of people who are success oriented are so darn serious about achieving success, that they forget to have some fun along the way.  So this video is a […]

First Thing Every Morning!

In this video you’ll discover many important ideas around our attitude and mind-set and how it shapes our every day and in doing so it shapes our entire life.   Could simply making a decision every morning to “HAVE A GREAT DAY” and to “MAKE IT A GREAT DAY” change the way our day turns out?  […]