Secrets of the World Class – Turning Mediocrity Into Greatness!

A great video about turning mediocrity into greatness.  It contrasts and compares the MIND SET of people who see themselves as “Middle Class” with people who see themselves as “WORLD CLASS”. As Wayne Berry so frequently says, “Our ‘Outer World’ will ALWAYS be a reflection of our ‘Inner World’.”

Sound Success Ideas – Episode #1

This video is the first in a series called Sound Success Ideas – “Priceless Ideas From The Vault!”  Originally recorded on audio by Wayne Berry as he interviews and introduces many of the USA speakers that his company used to bring to Australia, New Zealand and South East Asia to conduct their seminars in this […]

Staging Networking Events

Networking events can be a great way of prospecting.  Wayne Berry explains how to stage your own networking events as well as attending other people’s events.  Why not use to set up some groups that you can regularly attract like minded people to.  In naming your meeting up group, choose a name that explains […]

Don’t Make Cold Calls!

In this video Wayne Berry explains why he believes in most cases it should not be necessary to make “Cold Calls.”    Wayne explains that there are alternatives to cold calling that you are likely to feel more excited about doing.

Is there a “best time” to prospect by telephone?

Is there a “best time” to prospect by telephone?  In this video Wayne Berry shares some research on the best times of the day to make telephone prospecting calls.  It also appears that some days are better than others. WARNING:  Don’t use these statistics to make excuses for not prospecting.  In the end any time […]

Getting To Decision Makers

This video was recorded during a live workshop with Wayne Berry.  He explains how to ask questions and find out what the decision making process is with a prospects and who the decision makers are, the decision influencers etc .  It’s very important to involve the decision makers early.