How To Get Video Testimonials
Here’s a quick idea on getting video testimonials, a very powerful selling and marketing tool.
The Step Method For Handling Objections – A Coaching Session
This video was recorded during live coaching session. It features Ian Goodier who was on the 12 month Top Gun Sales Coaching Programme at the time, as he demonstrates to Wayne how the “Stair Step Method” can be successfully used in his real world of selling. Ian increased his sales quite dramatically, and within the […]
A New Model For Selling
Selling has changed but most sales people have not. Most are still using a sales process, a sales model from some bygone era with today’s modern sophisticated buyers and it’s not working. Wayne describes a “New Model” f0r selling which literally turns the “Old Model” on it’s head. This is sales model you should be […]
5 Generations of Selling (Business Blue Print)
There are 5 generations of sales people to be found in the marketplace. Generations 4 and 5 are always in the top percentage of sales performers in their industry and accounting for more than 80% of all sales. Generations 1, 2 and 3 fight over the remaining 20% of business left behind by Gen 4 […]
Some of Wayne’s Ideas On Prospecting
Some very useful ideas from Wayne Berry on prospecting by telephone, referral prospecting, the use of video conferencing, using SMS etc.
How To Prospect At Trade Shows
Trade shows can be very expensive to book a stand and put up a display for many days. However there are other very cost effective ways of using trade shows to generate lots of prospects, without in some cases, spending even one cent at all. This is one such method.