3 Things You Need To Know About Maintaining A Great Attitude

Our attitude will determine 80% of our success in life, so maintaining a great attitude is very important.  In this video Wayne Berry explains 3 ways to maintain a great and empowering attitude throughout our life, particularly during times of adversity.

Secrets of the World Class – Turning Mediocrity Into Greatness!

A great video about turning mediocrity into greatness.  It contrasts and compares the MIND SET of people who see themselves as “Middle Class” with people who see themselves as “WORLD CLASS”. As Wayne Berry so frequently says, “Our ‘Outer World’ will ALWAYS be a reflection of our ‘Inner World’.”

SUCCESS – The Lesson of 212 Degrees

Wayne Berry explains the 212 Degrees of Success Principle.  Success generally does not just happen over night.  In fact in many projects, we see nothing at all, no progress at all, right up until we reach the “TIPPING POINT” and suddenly all the time and effort put in pays off.  This is what we see […]

A Relentless Commitment to Excellence. (The Steve Jobs Way.)

A relentless commitment to excellence is a characteristic common to all successful people.  In this video Wayne Berry explains how Steve Jobs, Co-Founder of Apple was a good example of this, and asks “What is your level of commitment to excellence in all areas of your life?”

Persistence & Gloria Jeans Coffee

Wayne Berry says he remember this day very well when he went to get his (at the time) favourite Gloria Jeans coffee just before he was to go on stage to present a seminar.  Everything else was ready for a great day, but now he was being told that he couldn’t have his coffee.  This […]

The BIGGEST MISTAKE made with training.

Brad Lea, founder of LightSpeed VT, talks raw and real about the issues with training, why most people under value it and the benefits of training when implemented properly. It’s interesting to see a video about the problems created by management decisions around training, coming from the other side of the world, from someone we […]