What the Mercedes sales person should have done

Sometimes things will go wrong.  The important thing is what you then do when it does.  Wayne Berry:  When things go wrong it’s an opportunity to show how much you really care and build an even stronger customer relationship.  When you do, your customer can in most cases be turned from unhappy to being an […]

How To Build Trust – Make a Promise and Keep It!

Why it’s so important to keep promises!  In this video Wayne Berry passes along some sage advice from Marketing Guru Winston Marsh from Melbourne Australia.  He explains why it is so important to DO WHAT YOU PROMISED YOU WOULD DO and why even small promises are important. Like “I’ll call you back later today”.  Everything […]

Why It’s Important To Return Calls and Emails Quickly

Is it important to return phone calls and emails promptly?  Wayne Berry explains in this video why he thinks it is very important to return calls and emails promptly.  He believes that the way we treat people early in a relationship is often a “preview of coming attractions”.  In other words, if someone is slow […]

It Ain’t Over Until The Fat Lady Sings

Should you invest in training someone based on their age?  They say you can’t teach an “old dog” new tricks.  In this video Wayne Berry talks about the wisdom or not or investing in staff who are over 55, 60 or heavens above…65.  Apart from it likely being against labor laws today to discriminate against […]

Why Personal Presentation Is So Important

Whether we like it or not people will always judge us on our personal presentation.  First impressions do count, because we only have one chance to make a first impression.  Someone once said “Who you are (or appear to be) speaks so loud I can’t hear your words.”  Don’t make the mistake of thinking it […]

One choice can change EVERYTHING in life

Where we have arrived today in our life has been the result of a series of choices and decisions we have made along the way in our life.  Think about that.  If you had made even one different choice, it is likely you would not be sitting reading these words right now. You would have […]