6 things you need to know about selling on value for money

In this video Wayne Berry explains how professional sales people sell on value for money and do not discount.  Discounting is what amateurs do either because they don’t understand and hence are not sold themselves on the value of their offer, and / or because it’s the easy way to deal with the price objection.  […]

Promises Promises Promises!

In this video Wayne Berry talks about making promises and asks “Are you keeping ALL of your promises?”    He explains why keeping small promises builds trust and rapport that can lead to a new customer and why forgetting about small promises which you may not think are really important, destroys trust.  He gives a […]

What the Mercedes sales person should have done

Sometimes things will go wrong.  The important thing is what you then do when it does.  Wayne Berry:  When things go wrong it’s an opportunity to show how much you really care and build an even stronger customer relationship.  When you do, your customer can in most cases be turned from unhappy to being an […]

My Bad Mercedes Customer Service Experience

If you buy a Mercedes you expect a high quality vehicle and high quality service right?  Wayne Berry: But in the end it comes down to the people in the dealership that will determine your customer experience.  But it’s good to know you can always take any customer service problems direct to Mercedes right, and […]

How To Build Trust – Make a Promise and Keep It!

Why it’s so important to keep promises!  In this video Wayne Berry passes along some sage advice from Marketing Guru Winston Marsh from Melbourne Australia.  He explains why it is so important to DO WHAT YOU PROMISED YOU WOULD DO and why even small promises are important. Like “I’ll call you back later today”.  Everything […]