Selling Through Distributors

Do you sell through distributors?  Or could you?  In this video Wayne Berry explains how we can improve the sales performance of your distributors.  He suggest that you help your distributors to strengthen their skills in 2 main areas.  By doing this you strengthen your relationship with your distributors, build their loyalty (in same cases […]

It Ain’t Over Until The Fat Lady Sings

Should you invest in training someone based on their age?  They say you can’t teach an “old dog” new tricks.  In this video Wayne Berry talks about the wisdom or not or investing in staff who are over 55, 60 or heavens above…65.  Apart from it likely being against labor laws today to discriminate against […]

Stand guard at the door of your mind

Wayne Berry: “I got to meet Jim Rohn at age 27 and this meeting profoundly changed the direction  of my life.  I got to work with Jim for more than a decade and then we kept in touch until his life ended.  One of the ideas that Jim shared with me in those early days […]

Attitude not aptitude will determine your success!

Wayne Berry:  “I often say that at school that I was in that half of the class that made the top half possible.  My aptitude and scholastic abilities were not good and these were reflected in my struggling results all through my school years.  In the end I did scrape through and could have gone […]

The Strangest Secret – Earl Nightingale

Wayne Berry:  “I got to work with the very famous Mr Earl Nightingale, auto of “The Strangest Secret” when I brought him to Australia in 1989.  I had discovered Earl’s recording in the early 1980s and like millions of others the world over, it had changed my life.  If you’ve not heard the recording here’s […]

Sales Managers – Take responsibility!

Wayne Berry:  “I hear a lot of Sales Managers blaming their sales people, senior management, HR, the training department, the market, the competition etc for the poor performance of their team, but ultimately I believe that as Sales Managers we are ultimately responsibility for our sales team’s performance or lack there of.   Many sales managers […]