When Negotiating, Get Local Knowledge.

Negotiating is not something we do in a vacuum.  We are influenced by our environment, our physical location, our level of comfort etc.  So a really good tip around negotiating that Wayne Berry shares with you in this video is the suggestion to get some “local knowledge” where ever you are in the world, to […]

When Negotiating Never Jump At The First Offer!

In this video Wayne Berry explains why we should never jump at the first offer when negotiating.  Whilst this may seem like common sense, common sense is not necessarily common place and many people get so caught up in the emotion, particularly when the other person’s offer is attractive or exceeds their expectations, that they […]

Closing The Sale – Introduction

In this video, recorded some time ago, but still as relevant today as it was then, Wayne Berry dispels some of the Myths around closing the sale.  Most sales people believe these myths and hence use strategies that are not suitable for selling today.  Also sadly, some sales people have left the profession of selling […]

5 Tips On Closing The Sale

In this video, recorded some time ago, but still as relevant today as it was then, Wayne Berry provides 5 tips on closing the sale.  Most sales people don’t realize how important each of these ideas is.  If you do, then you will be way ahead of your competitors.  It’s one thing knowing about these […]

The Secrets of Closing The Sale

In this video Wayne Berry explains that the real “Secret To Closing The Sale” is, that it has everything to do with what you’ve done BEFORE and very little to do with how you ask.  Yet for decades the emphasis by most sales trainers (not Wayne Berry) has been on the “50 clever tricky ways […]